What's New and History
Adsense for content was added to What Goes Up.
What Goes Up has gone through it's most major update and renovation since it originally went live! We are no longer using tables for our layout, but instead, we're using a complete Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) layout. This will make for better search engine rankings (perhaps). And we are also now a Hypertext: PreProcessor (php) based site. Using server side includes allows for simpler updates and maintenance. What is most important, though, is a newer, sleeker look and feel. Enjoy the new "What Goes Up"!
(Continued below)
What Goes Up is now selling merchandise! Check out our new store by clicking the navigation link "WGU Gear" on the left.
In addition to some visible differences to the website such as a refined navigation list, what has also been changed this time around is the underlying navigational structure. The chart shown below shows our new site layout. This will of course also be depicted from the URL shown in your browser.

Wallpaper photos that can be used as backgrounds on your computer screen have been placed in the new wallpaper section of WGU. Check them out!
New photos from the 2006 Orange County Fair are now online at What Goes Up! Rides in this collection include G Force, Techno Jump, Spinning Coaster, Hydro Slide and Zero Gravity with new pictures of Tango, Experience, Inverter and Le Grande Wheel. In addition, there are several overhead pictures of the O.C. Fair. Since the photos are organized by ride type and title, the easiest way to see the new O.C. Fair photos is to find the ride titles under the Rides By Location section. The aerial photos can be found in Ride and Roller Coaster Pictures section under the Other Ride and Fair Photos banner.
New No Limits coasters and sreenshots are now here! Coaster titles include Pacific Storm wooden coaster, Sky- The Limit hypercoaster and Wooden Vortex.
All of the No Limits screenshots and tracks are completely uploaded.
Half of the No Limits screenshots and coaster tracks are uploaded.
In this latest update, I just started uploading screenshots and downloads of roller coasters created with No Limits.
What Goes Up has gone through yet another transformation in its look. Since the first redo never went online, this one will be the one shown in our move over to jgpws.com. The changes are the above banner with 'coaster track' design, a redesign to the ridephotos section (photos are categorized by type), screenshots for the RCT pages and a tightening up of the table structures. As of now there are no new photos to show.
A new design based on the original is underway, using more style sheets and a cleaner look. A new web address is also coming in a few weeks. We will now be located at www.jgpws.com/whatgoesup. Since this is under a paid for (rather than free) web host, gone will be the advertisements at the top of the page. Depending on my email options, I might add a dedicated email address for this site as well.
In addition to the alterations to the website are a whole slew of new ride pictures. I recently took trips to Six Flags Magic Mountain and the San Diego County Fair with plenty of photographs to show. SFMM: pictures of Scream, Goliath, Deja Vu and Superman-The Escape just to name a few. And from the San Diego County Fair: Tango, Spin Out, Evolution, X-Treme (KMG Afterburner), Experience, Techno Power, Magnum and many more!
What Goes Up has been altered again with a brand new "What's New" page (this page) as well as an adjustment to the "Ride Photos" page. The Ride Photos page now lists rides in alphabetical order instead of by location. A separate page, "Ride Locations" lists each ride as a hyperlink by its location (which fair or amusement park it appears at).
All of the pictures for the "Ride and Roller Coaster Pictures" have been placed in tables as thumbnails and are linked to the associated pages.
AND, just recently, last Friday I visited the Los Angeles County Fair before their closing weekend and therefore have a slew of new pictures. Rides featured: Evolution, Spin Out, Hard Rock, Chaos, Mega Drop, Booster upcharge ride, Orbiter, and Top Spin. Check out their pages in the Ride and Roller Coaster Pictures section!
We at What Goes Up are now incorporating the use of style sheets to make for easier changes in the look and feel of the site in the future. However, we are still saving the use of tables for layout purposes. The only noticeable differences are that in browsers that don't support style sheets, the links do not change colors when the mouse passes over them and for those browsers that do support style sheets there still remains the yellow and orange colored links as well as a light red "mouse over" color. Also, the navigational links are now aligned left except for the link of the current page (so the title of the page you are currently on will stand out. This will be called What Goes Up 2.1.
What's Up? A redesign to the website is what's up. We're now incorporating the use of tables (as of 11-25-01) for a more consistent look and feel. The links are on the left side of the main index page (this one), and every other page except the "About" pages. This new design will be known as What Goes Up version 2.0.