Web Design

The M.X. WordPress theme (2016 - present)

Wireframe Sketches

In the wireframing for this theme, I drew rough sketches of the proposed look and feel. They include notes on icon sizes, layout and image dimensions.

Some things were slightly changed in the final design.

Design Comps

At the comp stage, I drew the design in Inkscape, representing the mobile, tablet and desktop views.

In addition, for the tablet and desktop views, I introduced an alternative color scheme and layout.

Completed Theme

The completed theme screenshots show the final design for the Colorbox modal, and a tiled grid layout.

More recent additions to The M.X. include sidebar choices and a wide layout, suitable for the WordPress 5.0 block editor (Gutenberg).

The M.X. Home Page The M.X. Official Theme (WordPress.org) The M.X. Development Theme (GitHub)

Urban Square WordPress theme (2015 - present)

Wireframe Sketches

Urban Square is a WordPress theme began in 2015. In the wireframe planning for this theme, I sketched three views for mobile, tablet and desktop.

The drawings depict features specific to WordPress, such as dropdown menus for widgets, searchbar placement and a dropdown for the sidebar, which was changed in the final design.

Completed Theme

As seen in the tablet view, the final design added a link to the sidebar from the top navigation. In mobile and tablet sizes, the sidebar moves to the bottom.

Urban Square lets users change the color scheme via the Customizer. The screenshots show the official logo and background designs in use.

Urban Square Home Page Urban Square Official Theme (WordPress.org) Urban Square Development Theme (GitHub)

A.J. Signing Service HTML Email (2007)

AJSS Email Blast screenshot

In a follow up to the A.J. Signing Service flier, I was asked by the client to create an e-mail blast. All of the images used in the HTML email linked to an absolute web address, a necessity for email documents.

*Link goes to a live preview